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Payment and shipping methods

Methods of payment and shipping

1-Payment via Internet Bank

All home chemistry users can pay their order online through the Internet bank's online pharmacy website when ordering. Successful payment is a fixed record of this payment for ordering, and no need to notify, and the order is automatically entered in the process of preparation and posting.

Note that delivery by the ordering recipient when receiving the goods must have an identification card.

It should be noted that Internet payment creates a priority and accelerates the processing of user orders.

 - How to pay online

Dear DJ users, you can pay for your order using all network member bank cards. Now with all the accelerator network cards available, there is a possibility to purchase the Internet. When the Internet is billed, the following information will be asked if you will be notified of the success of your payment after you enter them and confirm payment.

1- Number 16 digit card

This number is on the card in all banks.

2- Internet password or second code

For Internet payment, you must have already activated your second password (internet shopping password).

The second password (Internet shopping password) is different from the one you enter when you use your devices. Some banks, such as Saman Bank, usually issue the code while issuing the card, but most banks do not have an internet shopping secret at the time of delivery. In order to activate the internet shopping password, you can refer to the ATM of the issuing bank of your card. Enter your card and select the password operation section. Then, select your password in the second passcode or Internet password.

3- Code CVV2

This code is a 3 or 4 digit number that is inserted behind or on bank cards and serves as a security code for online payments. This code is on a card of the nation's banks, exports, Pasargad, Saman, Parsian, etc. in the form of a 3-digit number, or on some cards such as the National Bank of 4 digits.

4. Expiry Date

The expiration date is also stamped on most bank cards. If there is no expiration date on your card, you can use the number 12 instead of the month and use 99 instead of the card expiration date.

2- Payment at the place of delivery

Dear users, it is advisable to make payments online in order to expedite processing of the order. However, for the convenience of those customers who are willing to pay for their order when they receive it, the home chemistry also makes it possible for delivery of their order, Tehran or one of the cities covered by delivery Express, you can pay the cost when making an order by one of the following methods.

It should be noted that orders sent by ship or the amount of them are more than thirty million rials, must be cleared through Internet payments before being sent.

3. Pay the card to the card

Users who can not pay online through the Gateway home chemistry or on-site payment can place their order on the card number indicated in this part of the card. For card-to-card payment, ATMs or ATMs can be used on an internet card. However, payment through the online payment site of Shimba website is easier and faster due to its high level of automation, and the home chemist suggests using this method for payment.

Home Chemistry Account Number:

Account number: 6274121151574654 in the name of the rahele hoseini


The process of delivery of goods in the home of chemistry is carried out with high speed and precision and high security.

After ordering, according to the type of goods and the delivery time of the receiver, after 12 to 72 hours (in a week's work), the relevant authorities will deliver the goods to the buyer at the place designated, completely safe and secure.

Sending orders to Tehran and all cities is possible.


- If payment for the order is paid via the Internet, the ordering of the recipient upon receipt of the goods must have a valid identification card, such as a national card.

- Dear customers, it is advisable to make their payments online in order to expedite processing of the order.

- Orders sent by ship, or the amount of which exceeds thirty million rials, must be settled before payment by card or card.

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